Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wagner's Graduation Ode to the Class of 2012

Poetic Tribute to The MVS Class of 2012
Graduation Exercises: 7:00PM, 7 June - Victoria Theater

Greetings scholars, parents, faculty and Friends
To MVS Commencement, celebrating beginnings and ends.
In Dayton’s Victoria, for this distinguished event
My most sincere welcome, I am honored to present.

The Class of 2012, smartly seated on stage
Imagine their futures, might baffle even a Sage.
Robust, charming; numbering forty-nine strong,
Parents and friends have known well all along.

Your collective endeavors, all tallied together
May cause rivals to grow bitter and “snarky.”
Rest assured, your futures will be bright with rewards
Your brilliance, is simply, no malarkey.

The MVS faculty, seated in rows up-front,
Dressed so snazzy in academic attire.
At seven-hours past the hour-of-Noon
They support the goals to which you aspire.

Look further in the rows; locate the smiles of your family,
Beaming with pride at who you’ve become.
Though departure is sad, we’ll try to keep calm,
Into weepy emotions, we hope not to succumb.

As principal, teacher, college advisor,
The supplier of exotic Dum-Dum lollypop.
Miming wax on & off gestures around Harkness Table
My role as loyal-fan, is there at the top.

As a Shakespeare, I ‘make-eth few-eth claims’
In shaping iambic rhymes, expect random lags.
Honoring you Seniors, as the maven among fans,
This poem, arranged and presented, by “Wags.”

Your patience, I most humbly request
My sentiment, far out-weighing my skill.
Attempting to do justice to all off their traits
Is like Sisyphus battling the two-sided hill.

Thus, with gathered resolve, I embark.
Attempting to represent these bathed in bright light.
Hoping to delay their exit, for just a moment longer;
Here are glimpses, which their brilliance helped to ignite.

First is TAYLOR, a jovial and charming lad;
During Announcements, known well for selling “Greenery.”
DAISY and I once returned by special flight
Due to Turkish agents, whose behavior, displayed meanery.

SHELBY, celebrated athlete in any sports arena,
Skilled in volley, basketball, and running track.
MITCH, not sure which media he’ll conquer first,
As animator, actor, or director; he’s no film hack.

ALAN joined for half-a-year from Shanghai.
Shares a stanza with STEPHANIE CHOO.
So accustomed are we to her gymnastic feats 
Few were surprised when Brown flipped for you!

Elder sisters from the famed Clark gang,
ALLY and KELS, are doubly-able.
So lucky for me during spring term’s Great Books
Both were seated around the Harkness Table.

CLEVELAND and COLE, noted athletes are both
From young ages it was all quite apparent.
While STEFAN guards goals on the soccer pitch,
BEN, during lacrosse, shakes the nets.
AVERY, though away for one-short year,
Returned among good friends and she delivers.
SHANE’s deep-running knowledge of music
Is why I refer to him simply as “Rivers.”

Hailing from rich heritage of artists,
With skill, ATALIE will appease future clients.
KYLE though gia-normous in size,
Is in truth, he’s the most-gentle of giants.

NAJEI heads for college at Cincinnati U,
Basketball ranks as her favorite of sports.
CORRI, oldest of the Johnson girls,
Is equally skilled on tennis and squash courts.

Having traveled to Paris, Ephesus, & Rome
SEREENA heads next to Geneva, confidence intrepid.
ZACH, though a lesser-known member of “The Avengers”
His super powers, is why I call him ‘Sweathead.’

Some might suspect, the next two, like surrogate daughters:
GABS and AUDREY frequent my office, they do.
Empathetic instincts and spot-on observation
Some might question: who counsels whom?

Though unassuming in demeanor, Erik is composed
On oboe, he translates musical idea.
SOO YUN, while in India, found ‘Choco-Pies,’
A sweet export from her homeland in Korea.

LEMON’s triumph on the Lax field;
He batters foes with much ballyhoo.
LOVETT’s acting and wide vocal-range
She’s ready for bright lights in West Coast, Malibu.

MICHAEL helped steer his class in direction
Using his dramatic and wild-flailing arms.
Understated, wicked-smart, with always a glint in her eye
Are but a sample of MAC’s many charms.

With the MIKUTIS family, much time I have shared,
AMANDA departs next for University of Lynn.
ASHEEV’s part of our Advisory’s mystique;
Can grow his beard darker than most adult men.

JANESH, still on the hunt for his elusive missing-drill,
Can conjure a smooth brew of Masala Chai.
When NATASHA is not leading her class by example,
Battles evil as side-kick to superhero “Bird guy.”

JAMES, always bouncing with confident stride
Plans certain future as lawyer, without hinder.
From Hanover’s “Point,” one can view 3 Ohio river-bends,
Fleet-footed Mariss will be their next sprinter.

Two recent additions to this illustrious class
ELIZABETH, from Honduras, arrived with bravado!
Adding to our domestic diversity,
NICK came from mountains in Colorado.

MVS Lifers are both, SHAVER and SMITH,
First met on the playgrounds of EC.
LAUREN still maintains her signature red hair
ALEX has grown beyond the height of some trees. 

CONNOR’s advanced skill in verbal debate
A future politician, seems destined to be.
Who, on squash courts, appears to have skeleton made-of rubber?
The eldest son of SQUIERS, known to many, as “G”. 

Skills aplenty brought to MVS Stage
NIKITA and CLAIRE are no strangers to rehearse.
NIKKI will attend famed University of D.
STALEY continues her global traverse.

SHAVONNE reigns as queen on volleyball court
Shrinking carbon footprint, she strives to leave behind.
QIANWEN, an amazing exchange student
Shared travels through Anatolia, we combined.

ROBBY, good natured and fun-loving lad,
Emits high-pitched loud and echoing laughter.
BLI arrived and enriched MVS
From the faraway isle of Madagascar.

JACKSON, a father, could not be any more proud;
Funky music, Odd humor; we share many similarity.
For Immersion, BO delved into mixed-martial arts
Might fulfill role as future Bruce Lee.

Buddhist travelers in India, I was honored to join
WINCH and WOOD kept-up a blistering pace.
KAT discovered power of her “angry eyes”
CLAIRE handily could win “the Amazing Race.”

With composure, ARIANNA guided our Stu Gov,
In hallways, we trade salutes, with a deft “head-bonk.”
LAUREN, has excelled in every field she has found,
At Williams, might become composer, physician, or political wonk.

Our seniors on stage, numbering 49 strong;
A heroic group in personality, courage, and charm.
My bias aside, great confidence they bring
Imagining the world, they inherit without harm.

As if ordained, by divine guidance above
Your strengths are epic, down-right muscular.
Signs of your successes and future reward
Shine from the sky, in rays beaming crepuscular.
With you, I am honored to have shared 13 robust years,
My emotions, I struggle to keep under fetter.
A question I pose, which your audience agrees:
Simply: How could any future class wish to do better?

Disperse   and   scatter; are sensitive words,
When departing to destinations next fall.
A new location, you must also now visit
Down to the land where they greet with a “Y’all!”

Nearly speechless am I, tears welling inside
Sharing the stage before this audience in view.
Be it as Principal, Teacher, and most-fervent of fans
I am honored to graduate along-side of you.

In closing my verse, rhyme-scheme often perverse,
My poetics might be describes as “erratic.”
In setting you off, we wish also to preserve
Like cherished toys stored-away in an attic.

So join with me now; Parents, Teachers, Family and, Friends
While celebrated, this chapter’s end soon we will reach.
Yet another page opens, new dreams to unfurl
News of your triumphs, from you, we beseech!

The praise from your audience, here seated before you,
Planning gatherings to celebrate, so very much.
My final words, before continuing this eve,
God’s Speed,
                      Be safe,
                                  And keep in close touch!            
Thank you.

Samuel Wagner, V
Head of Upper School
Thursday, 7 June, 2012

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